Okie Bookcast
The Okie Bookcast is dedicated to helping curious readers like you find your next great read by connecting you to Oklahoma authors and stories. The show features monthly interviews with contributors to the reading life of Oklahoma - it might be an author, publisher, librarian, reader, bookseller, or other figure. In addition to interviews, the show has a monthly book conversation full of reviews and recommendations. New episodes drop on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Connect with Okie Bookcast on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok - @okiebookcast.
Okie Bookcast
Bringing Magic to Middle Grade Readers - Author Russell J. Fellows
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Welcome to Chapter 66!
I got to sit down with Russ Fellows to talk about his new book - Children of the Ancient Heroes: Dreams and Nightmares - the first in a new middle grade fantasy series. We also talk about writing for middle grade readers and his podcast project, Enchanted Stories, that focuses on sharing great stories with kids.
List of Oklahoma Independent Bookstores: okiebookcast.com/bookstores
List of Oklahoma Children's Authors: okiebookcast.com/kidlit
Connect with Russ: website | Linktree
Enchanted Stories Podcast on YouTube
Mentioned on the Show:
Chronicles of Narnia - C.S. Lewis
Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien
Jules Verne
Neil Gaiman
The Princess and the Goblin - George MacDonald
The Patron Thief of Bread - Lindsey Eagar
Nevermore series - Jessica Townsend
The Thirteenth Child - Erin A. Craig
Story Thieves - James Riley
Stephen King
Dean Koontz
Connect with J: website | TikTok | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
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Music by JuliusH