Okie Bookcast
The Okie Bookcast is dedicated to helping curious readers like you find your next great read by connecting you to Oklahoma authors and stories. The show features monthly interviews with contributors to the reading life of Oklahoma - it might be an author, publisher, librarian, reader, bookseller, or other figure. In addition to interviews, the show has a monthly book conversation full of reviews and recommendations. New episodes drop on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Connect with Okie Bookcast on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok - @okiebookcast.
Okie Bookcast
Find Your Next Great Read - Book Recommendations w/ YA author Emma Jackson
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This month, we're joined by Emma Jackson to talk about what we're reading and why you might love it! We've got thrillers, romance, books on creativity, scifi, lots of YA, horror, and even a western. You're going to find a book or two to love in this fun conversation.
Connect with Emma: Instagram | Threads | Twitter | TikTok
Connect with Hannah: website | Twitter | Instagram
Discussed on the Show:
Inheritance of Scars - Crystal Seitz
Royal Blood - Aimee Carter
Jade City - Fonda Lee
An Ember in the Ashes - Sabaa Tahir
The Paradise Problem - Christina Lauren
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running - Haruki Murakami
Here One Moment - Liane Moriarty
The Girl on the Train - Paula Hawkins
The Butcher’s Masquerade - Matt Dinnimann
The Cannibal Owl - Aaron Gwyn
I Was a Teenage Slasher - Stephen Graham Jones
Way Station - Clifford D. Simak
Connect with J: website | TikTok | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
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Music by JuliusH