Okie Bookcast
The Okie Bookcast is dedicated to helping curious readers like you find your next great read by connecting you to Oklahoma authors and stories. The show features monthly interviews with contributors to the reading life of Oklahoma - it might be an author, publisher, librarian, reader, bookseller, or other figure. In addition to interviews, the show has a monthly book conversation full of reviews and recommendations. New episodes drop on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Connect with Okie Bookcast on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok - @okiebookcast.
Okie Bookcast
Creating Wild Family Reading w/ Middle-Grade Author J.J. Johnson
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Welcome to Chapter 41! My guest is J.J. Johnson, a husband, father, podcaster, and Award Winning Middle-Grade author. He grew up in Pryor Oklahoma, attended Oklahoma Baptist University where he majored in Theology. He now lives in Edmond with his wife and two boys who are commonly known online as - Hobbit 1 and Hobbit 2.
J.J. and I talk about his award-winning Iggy and Oz series and his passion for writing books that connect with middle-grade boys. We also talk about being an independent author and how J.J. integrates his faith into his work for both kids and adults.
Connect with J.J.: website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram
Mentioned on the Show:
Bobbsey Twins - Laura Lee Hope
Hardy Boys - Franklin W. Dixon
Trapped in Death Cave - Bill Wallace
Danger on Panther Peak - Bill Wallace
Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan
Realm Makers
Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Jeff Kinney
Goosebumps - R. L. Stein
I Survived series - Lauren Tarshis
Kim Ventrella
Charlotte's Web - E.B. White
Ray Bradbury
Dark Tower Series - Stephen King
Dead Zone - Stephen King
The Long Walk - Stephen King
Old Man's War - John Scalzi
Mistborn Trilogy - Brandon Sanderson
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
Heir to the Empire - Timothy Zahn
Connect with J: website | TikTok | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
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Music by JuliusH