Okie Bookcast
The Okie Bookcast is dedicated to helping curious readers like you find your next great read by connecting you to Oklahoma authors and stories. The show features monthly interviews with contributors to the reading life of Oklahoma - it might be an author, publisher, librarian, reader, bookseller, or other figure. In addition to interviews, the show has a monthly book conversation full of reviews and recommendations. New episodes drop on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Connect with Okie Bookcast on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok - @okiebookcast.
Okie Bookcast
Behind the Rain: An Audio Anthology of Oklahoma Poetry, Volume 2
Text the Bookcast and say "hi"!
Welcome to Volume Two of Behind the Rain: An Audio Anthology of Oklahoma Poetry.
I'm excited to share with you the work of these 11 Oklahoma poets.
Hollis and Poteau - Seth Copeland
- Twitter: @SethTCopeland
- Website: https://neutralspaces.co/seth_t_copeland/
A Whitman Kind of Worship - Kara Bullen
Heart Memory - Breanne Lynnett
- Instagram: @breannelynnett
Super Man - MAC Woods
- Instagram: @mac_since1985
No Questions Allowed - Abhi Sukhdial
- Book: Three Days till EOC
The Change that Exists in Numbers - Durell Carter
- Instagram: @Durellrc
Redbuds - Kristen Grace
- Instagram: @_kristen_grace
- Website: www.kristengracewrites.weebly.com
Facades - Brand Rackley
- Instagram: @brandrackley
My Father's Son - Thomas Juarez
- Twitter: @thomasj66714281
Run Without the Cane - Amy M. Le
- Twitter: @amy_m_le
- Website: amy-m-le.com
Another Poem in October - Ken Hada
- Twitter: @KhadakhadaKen
- Website: kenhada.org
If you'd like to submit a poem for consideration for Volume Three of Behind the Rain (releasing January 15, 2023), visit okiebookcast.com/behindtherain for details.
Connect with the Bookcast @okiebookcast on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for more Oklahoma voices.
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Music by JuliusH