Okie Bookcast
The Okie Bookcast is dedicated to helping curious readers like you find your next great read by connecting you to Oklahoma authors and stories. The show features monthly interviews with contributors to the reading life of Oklahoma - it might be an author, publisher, librarian, reader, bookseller, or other figure. In addition to interviews, the show has a monthly book conversation full of reviews and recommendations. New episodes drop on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Connect with Okie Bookcast on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok - @okiebookcast.
Okie Bookcast
Adapting A Christmas Carol - Pages to Pictures w/ Luke Swanson
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I'm joined by author Luke Swanson to talk about our favorite adaptation of Charles Dickens' 1843 classic, A Christmas Carol. Not to give it away, but Kermit may be involved.
We talk about the book and the film and look at faithfulness and changes - including all of the music. If you're a fan of the story or the film, you're going to love the conversation. If you've never seen the movie, you'll be looking for it as soon as you finish listening.
Check it out and let us know what we got right (or wrong).
Connect with Luke: website | Instagram | TikTok
Grab Luke's new book - Curtains on a Christmas Carol
Purchase A Christmas Carol
Connect with J: website | TikTok | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
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Music by JuliusH